
『親子でティンカリング「色々なやり方でLEDを光らせよう」』江口よしこ / ワークショップデザイナー





English translation(英訳)

Tinkering – Light up the LEDs in different ways.

We will use batteries, wires, conductive tapes, switches, motors for power generation, and other electronic components to make LEDs light up.
Let’s experiment and think about this and that together! (You can take home the finished product.)

Date and Time| 9/25sat 14:00~15:30
Target| Grades 1-4(with parent)
Seating capacity| 6 pairs
Participation fee| ¥500 per pair
Things to bring| Nothing

Application period| 8/1sun 10:00~ 8/15sun 17:00
Results notification| We’ll notify you by email by August 25.


『フルーツゼリー絵画をつくろう!』小桧山 聡子 / 山フーズ




English translation(英訳)

Let’s draw a picture with fruit jelly

First, choose some of your favorite fruits and observe them carefully. Try cutting them in different ways to collect interesting expressions of the fruits.
Then, place the fruits in a large rectangular transparent container as if you were drawing a picture, and pour in the jelly liquid.
You can take the finished product home.

Date and Time| 9/19sun 14:00~16:00
Target| For ages 4 and up(with parent)
Seating capacity| 6 pairs
Participation fee| ¥1,000 per person
Things to bring| apron,house-cloth

Application period| 8/1sun 10:00~ 8/15sun 17:00
Results notification| We’ll notify you by email by August 25.


『花いけの勘どころ』上野 雄次 / 花道家・アーティスト






English translation(英訳)

Professional tips for arranging flowers

This is a flower arranging workshop where you can choose your own flowers and vase and arrange them freely.
In the process of giving shape to your ideas, there may be know-how or techniques that you need. If so, the instructor, Mr. Yuuji Ueno, will give you some tips.

Date and Time| 9/5sun 14:00~16:00
Target| For ages 5 and up(with parent)
Seating capacity| 6 pairs
Participation fee| ¥2,000 per pair
Things to bring| Flower scissors (if you have them),house-cloth

Application period| 8/1sun 10:00~ 8/15sun 17:00
Results notification| We’ll notify you by email by August 25.


『ファニーボーンズショウで一緒に笑おう!』Funny Bones / コメディアンデュオ






English translation(英訳)

“Funny Bones” comedy show

Let’s have a fun time with the comedy duo “Funny Bones”!
They’ll perform mime, magic, juggling, puppet and such like.

Date and Time| 9/4sat 14:00~15:00
Target| For ages 5 and up(with parent)
Seating capacity| 20
Participation fee| ¥500 per pair
Things to bring| Nothing

Application period| 8/1sun 10:00~ 8/15sun 17:00
Results notification| We’ll notify you by email by August 25.
