
『たのしい・かんたん・布わらじ』次世代人財塾 適十塾

English follows Japanese




English translation(英訳)

Fun, Easy, fabric Japanese sandals

Traditional Japanese sandals “waraji” are made of rice straw, but if you make them out of cloth, they become comfortable room shoes.

You can choose your favorite color for the base and the nose cord, and weave them yourself to make your own one-of-a-kind cloth “waraji”.

We will teach you how to make your own straw “waraji” one by one, so even first-timers can have fun.

Date and Time | 4/24 (Sun) 14:00-16:00
Target | Parents and children over 5 years old
*Children over 10 years old can participate alone.
Seating capacity | 6 groups
*Up to 4 people per group
Participation fee | Adults¥2,000/Children¥1,000
Things to bring | none

Application period | 3/1(Tue)11:00~3/15(Tue)19:00
Results notification |We’ll notify you by email by March 25.



English follows Japanese




English translation(英訳)

Let’s paint with natural paints!

Let’s paint freely on a large canvas.
We will use natural paints made in Germany whose main ingredients are clays. When painted on the wall, it is expected to have deodorizing and humidity control effects, and the color can be freely adjusted.
This time we will use 10 colors.
Finally, choose your favorite part and put it in a frame to create an artwork.

Date and Time | 4/17 (Sun) 13:30-15:00
Target | Parents and children aged 3 to 6
Seating capacity | 6 pairs
Participation fee | ¥1,000 per pair
Things to bring |Clothes that can get dirty
A bag to take the frames home

Application period | 3/1(Tue)11:00~3/15(Tue)19:00
Results notification |We’ll notify you by email by March 25.


『ホロロン ホロン 紙芝居公演』ぽらんころ ゆうこ/紙芝居師

English follows Japanese

ぽらんころ ゆうこが作った紙芝居を暗闇の中で演じます。





English translation(英訳)

”Hororon Horon” Kamishibai story-telling

Porankoro Yuko, a picture-story show artist, will perform her own picture-story show“Kamishibai” in the dark.

Sachi, a rabbit, lives happily with her family in the forest.
Kapuka, a whale, is sad and alone in the ocean.

What does Sachi do to Kapuka one day?

This is a cute and warm story
spun by the creatures of the forest and the sea.

Date and Time | 4/16 (Sat) 11:00-12:30
Target | Parents and children over 6 years old
*Adults are welcome to participate alone.
Seating capacity | 15 people
Participation fee | Free
Things to bring |none

Application period | 3/1(Tue)11:00~3/15(Tue)19:00
Results notification |We’ll notify you by email by March 25.


『五感でたのしむカカオとチョコレート』蕪木 祐介 / チョコレート技師

English follows Japanese




English translation(英訳)

Enjoy cacao and chocolate with all five senses.

Chocolate is very familiar to us.

But how is it made?
Let’s learn about cacao and chocolate by using all five senses, looking, smelling, and tasting, while making raw chocolate truffles together.
You may find that the chocolate you always enjoy becomes even more delicious.

Date and Time | 4/9 (Sat) 10:30-12:30
Target | Parents and children aged 6 to 10
Seating capacity | 6 pairs
Participation fee | ¥1,000 per pair
Things to bring |Apron

Application period | 3/1(Tue)11:00~3/15(Tue)19:00
Results notification |We’ll notify you by email by March 25.
