
『見ないで遊ぶ? ノールック迷路を作ろう』高橋鴻介 / 発明家

English follows Japanese


English translation(英訳)

Let’s Make a No-Look Maze!

Kosuke Takahashi | Inventor

Mazes are usually played using your eyes.

This time, we will create a new maze that can be played with senses other than sight, such as touch, taste, sound, and smell.

Let’s create a “no-look maze” using a large cardboard box and a variety of materials!

Date and Time |5/27 (Sat) 10:30-12:30
Target | Only children
Seating capacity |12 pairs
Participation fee |¥1000 /per
Things to bring | What you like touch and feel
Application period | 4/1(Sat)10:00~4/15(Sat)18:00
Results notification |We’ll notify you by email by April 25.


『整体的子育て入門~家庭でできる子どもの手当て〜』山上亮 / 整体ボディワーカー

English follows Japanese

お子さんの体調が悪くなったときに、その場でお母さんにできる手当ての知恵が整体の中にはたくさんあります。 「こんなとき、どうしたらいいの?」そんな育児の悩みに頭を抱えているときも、 違った角度から捉えてみると、「ああ、そうか」と、 ふっとからだが楽になるかもしれません。 とっさのときも機転が利いて、サッと対処ができる、 そんな素敵なお母さんを目指して、整体の手当て法を身に付けてみましょう。

The workshop will be held on the Oyako floor (3F). 


English translation(英訳)

Introduction to Seitai-teki Chikara Kosodate – Treatment of Children at Home

Ryo Yamagami | Seitai Bodyworker

There is a lot of common household wisdom that can be applied by mothers when their children become ill. There are many situations when you may think “What should I do?

When you are troubled by such problems in child-rearing, if you look at it from a different angle, you may suddenly feel more at ease. Let’s learn some bodywork techniques to treat your child in times of need.

Let’s learn some new skills to become a mother who can deal with problems quickly and tactfully at a moment’s notice.

Date and Time | 5/13 (Sat)
Target | Parents and children over 4 years old
Seating capacity | 10 pairs
Participation fee |¥1000 / per pairs
Things to bring | Clothes that make it easy to move around, Towel
Application period |4/1(Wed)10:00~4/15(Wed)18:00
Results notification |We’ll notify you by email by April 25.


『かげのなかにいるのはなにかな?』山形尚平 / 絵本作家・芸人

English follows Japanese

「なんのかげかな? はなの ながーい、あの どうぶつだよね」



English translation(英訳)

What’s in the Shadow?

Shouhei Yamagata | Picture Book Author / Comedian
Let’s make a shadow puppets that you’ll  never guess what you’re seeing!

What’s that in the shadow? It’s that animal with the long nose, isn’t it?
“I was sure it’s an elephant’s face, but it is …….”

Let’s make a shadow puppet quiz together with silhouettes that are completely different from the answers we imagined!
Let’s enrich children’s imagination and experience together the fun of thinking out of the box!

Date and Time | 5/7 (Sun)
Target | Elementary school students and only for children
Seating capacity | 8 person
Participation fee |¥500 / per
Things to bring | clothes that can be soiled
Application period |4/1(Wed)10:00~4/15(Wed)18:00
Results notification |We’ll notify you by email by April 25.
