
『身体でお喋り!親子で踊ろう!』ホナガヨウコ / ダンスパフォーマー・振付家

English follows Japanese




English translation(英訳)

Talk with your body! Parents and children dance together!

I love to move my body, and I have lots of energy! I want to develop a sense of rhythm! …Let’s play with your child, dance to the music, play games, and use your whole body!

It is a communicative way of interaction that you can enjoy at home once you learn it.
We will focus on pair work, so parents and children are encouraged to attend!
Date and Time | 4/30 (Sun) 11:00-12:30
Target | Parent-child pairs of 3~5 years old
Seating capacity |10 pairs
Participation fee |free
Things to bring | Comfortable clothes,Towel,Drink
Application period | 3/1(Wed)11:00~3/15(Wed)19:00
Results notification |We’ll notify you by email by March 25.


『君だけのねこを描こう』ひろたあきら / 絵本作家・芸人

English follows Japanese



English translation(英訳)

Draw your own cat.

This is a drawing workshop by Akira Hirota, a picture book author and entertainer.

There are cats with various expressions and patterns, and it will be fun when they all get altogether.

What other cats are there? What does this cat sound like? It would be nice to have a cat like this.

Let’s draw your own cat, the only one in the world.

Date and Time | 4/29 (Sat) 14:00-15:00
Target | Parents and children over 2 years old
Seating capacity |10 pairs
Participation fee |free
Things to bring | None
Application period | 3/1(Wed)11:00~3/15(Wed)19:00
Results notification |We’ll notify you by email by March 25.


『せーの!で描く』松尾郁子 / アトリエ・ログハウス代表

English follows Japanese

ゲームのようにお題を出し合いながら、”なにを描く”ではなく “どう描く”をとことんみんなでやってみます。


English translation(英訳)

Ready, set, go! and Draw!

Everyone’s brush strokes are gathered at a single point. What will start from there?

Slow lines, fast lines, what does each one look like?
Now let’s try drawing lines from the dots drawn by your friends. How fun would it be to draw?

As if it were a game, we will try to draw not what to draw, but how to draw.

Here we go!

Date and Time | 4/22 (Sat) 14:00-15:30
Target | Parents and children over 5 years old
*Elementary school students may participate by themselves.
Seating capacity |10 pairs
Participation fee |free
Things to bring | Wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty.
Bag to take home your work.
Application period | 3/1(Wed)11:00~3/15(Wed)19:00
Results notification |We’ll notify you by email by March 25.



English follows Japanese

©️2023 Meguro Museum of Art, Tokyo, photo:Sumiko Okagawa


©️2023 Meguro Museum of Art, Tokyo, photo:Sumiko Okagawa


English translation(英訳)

Spreading to Everywhere! Uneven Town of Building Blocks

The Meguro Museum of Art’s collection of well-designed building blocks will come to Kageoka-no-Ie.
Enjoy the beautiful shapes and colors and play freely.

The mysterious shapes of the blocks offer unique ways to play with them. Touching, stacking, and connecting many blocks will create roads, houses, buildings, and a bumpy town.
Use your imagination to expand the town as far as you can!

Date and Time | 4/8 (Sat) *Two sessions
⑴10:30-12:00 (2)14:00-15:30
Target | Parents and children under elementary school age
Seating capacity | 6 pairs per session
Participation fee |free
Things to bring | none
Application period | 3/1(Wed)11:00~3/15(Wed)19:00
Results notification |We’ll notify you by email by March 25.
