
『水引飾りで愉しむ年中行事<節分>』田中杏奈 / 水引作家・講師

English follows Japanese



English translation(英訳)

Annual events enjoying with Mizuhiki ornamental strings .

Setsubun is an annual event with the meaning of dividing the seasons. It is said that evil spirits and disasters tend to come in at the turning points of the seasons, and people in the olden days believed that these, including natural disasters, were the work of demons. Mamemaki”Bean-throwing is an event that was created to drive away such demons.

On the day of the workshop, Risshun (the first day of spring) is just around the corner. This is the season when animals start to move and plants begin to sprout, and we look forward to a warm spring.

Let’s make your own bean bag for Mamemaki by tying expressive ogre motifs with Mizuhiki(ornamental strings).

Date and Time | 1/29 (Sun) 10:30-12:30
Target | 3rd grade elementary school students and above
Seating capacity | 6 groups
Participation fee |¥1,000/1 piece
Things to bring | Hand towel
Application period | 12/1(Thu)11:00~12/15(Thu)19:00
Results notification |We’ll notify you by email by December 25.


『オリジナル駒をつくって、将棋をやってみよう』稲葉大明 / グラフィックデザイナー

English follows Japanese



English translation(英訳)

Let’s make your original piece and play Shogi!

If you’d like to try Shogi but it seems too difficult, this workshop is for you to learn Shogi in a fun and easy way.

Let’s learn how the pieces move and design your own pieces. After learning how to move the pieces, we will start with Tsume-Shogi, which is like a simple puzzle game.

Even complete beginners will be able to learn the rules of Shogi and experience the fun of this traditional game.

Date and Time | 1/21 (Sat) 14:00-16:00
Target | Elementary school students and older, beginners and inexperienced players of Shogi.
*Experienced players are also welcome.
Seating capacity | 6 pairs
Participation fee |¥1,000/pair
Things to bring | Wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty
Application period | 12/1(Thu)11:00~12/15(Thu)19:00
Results notification |We’ll notify you by email by December 25.


『うさぎのウォールデコを作ろう!』江村史子 / デザイナー・イラストレーター

English follows Japanese




English translation(英訳)

Let’s make a rabbit wall deco!

Let’s make a rabbit wall decoration by combining wooden parts cut by a digital machine tool laser cutter.

Paint acrylic, oil stain, and tempera paints in a way that suits your child’s age and feelings of the day, or use transparent paper to make a rabbit tail.

2023 is the Year of the Rabbit.
Let’s enjoy crafts together to start the New Year!

Date and Time | 1/15 (Sun) 10:30-12:00
Target | Parents and children from 1.5 to 3 years old
Seating capacity | 6 pairs
Participation fee |¥1,000/1 piece
Things to bring | Wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty
Hand towel
Application period | 12/1(Thu)11:00~12/15(Thu)19:00
Results notification |We’ll notify you by email by December 25.
